Alexa is growing up so fast. We went shopping yesterday with my sister and a friend from work and she was trying so hard to be one of the big girls. We were looking at furniture (which I haven't blogged about it yet, but I bought a house. It hasn't all closed yet, but when it does I will put up some pictures.) and Alexa kept saying "I totally like this one," or "This one is so freakin cute."
When we were leaving to go home, my friend asked if we wanted to go to another store. I said, "I'm down." And then Alexa spouts back with "Well I'm up." After we cracked up at her, I think she was a little embarrassed and said, "I mean I am down like my mom."
We are having such a good time together now that I am off for the summer and we get to spend all day together. She is starting to read and loving books. Loves taking pictures of peoples feet. Loves using speed dial to call me from my mom's phone or text from my sister's I phone. Her newest tricks are being able to bounce on her bum on the trampoline and then bounce back to her feet, swinging all by herself, and snapping. She has been practicing at all of them for months and finally can do all three. I am so blessed to have her around, but I wish she would stop growing so fast.
Hey Alyssa.. I love reading your blog.. I hope you don't think I'm a creeper! I can't believe how big Alexa is! Her and Noah need to get married... I hope you guys are doing well! congrats on the house..
p.s. I think of you as an example since I'm semi going through what you did. I hope I can handle everything as well as you have/are. Hope to see you guys soon!
Whitney Easton
You are the best!!! Love you
Alyssa- I can't believe I just discovered your blog. Alexa is not a baby anymore! She's beautiful, you're beautiful. and I will be stalking your blog now! (this is sarah by the way!)
Ok...so super mom...she can almost read!!! What??? Noah is not even close...boys take longer right:) She is one smart little girl. So adorable. Oh and um...I am still waiting for the info on a few things:) Call me!!!
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