Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Best Day Ever!!!

Here is just the most recent picture I have of Alexa. It is from a few days ago. She was so upset, I can't remember why, but I just think she is so cute even when she cries. (It sure didn't make her too happy that I was taking this picture while she was crying)

I figured I would write one last time before I have to return my laptop back to my old school since I am leaving. My parents are coming up tomorrow to help me move and then I will have their computer, but it wont be the same. So today my neighbor and I had appointments to go get pedicures. We decided to leave at 10:30 this morning so we could stop at a store on the way and then get some lunch. We wanted to have a nice little fun day together before I leave. We left Alexa and her three kids with her husband (which I was so impressed, he never complained and was so willing to do it so we could have a nice day!) and we took off to pamper ourselves. The hours just passed by and we didn't get home until about 10:30 pm. We decided to go back to the mall afterwards and then to her mom's who does massages and this wax stuff. It was fun to be pampered today! I have the best friends. I am going to miss them.
Last year, my friends who I was with today, her sister-in-law was killed in a gas explosion here in Utah. She was in her house with the people from the gas company and it exploded. Luckily her 18 month old daughter was fine and her husband was not home, but her and the Questar Gas worker didn't survive. My friend has started a website about protecting your homes form having this same thing happen to you. It is scary, but it could have been anyone. Please check out this website and see what you can do to keep your family safe!!!


Kari Bonadio said...

This kid has so much personality! I just loved hearing her. She so smart. You have been such a good mom.

Anonymous said...

I'm being written about on someone's blog!! My self esteem just went way up! I heart you Alyssa and I will do whatever tricks I can to get you back to Utah!!!