Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Prima Ballerina

Alexa learned that pose from the Wii Fit!
Alexa started her first ballet class today. She has been wanting to take ballet for over a year and I finally found a class the community center that was pretty cheap. She loved it. She picked out her outfit a few weeks ago and was so excited to put it on. I bought her a little ballet bag to carry her shoes in at the dollar store that she has been waiting to open. The class was fun. Alexa was very concerned about having her toes pointed. She definitely has the body of a ballerina. She is getting so tall. She will pass me up soon.


Mary Brown said...

Hey, I got her that outfit on clearance for Christmas since we are bragging about our bargain shopping talents! Great job at finding an inexpensive school and one that fits into your BUSY schedule! Didn't you buy the tap shoes at D.I.? Poor Alyssa! Santa paid some $$$$ for those "real" leather ballet shoes! She IS getting tall! Which reminds me of the funny comment she made last night. When KT said that the guy they were setting you up with was "kinda short, but what is short?" Alexa popped up with "small!"

Jenny said...

Alexa is such a cute ballerina!