--Today my dad was watching Alexa while I went to institute. They were working on putting together the swing set that they bought Alexa. Alexa asked my dad, "You're old, how come your legs don't look old?" He must have nice legs!!! Later she told me she thought they looked young because they are so white.
--Since I am not that good at writing in a journal, I want to try to record some of my feelings about institute. I started a Book of Mormon class today. I have already taken the class, but recently my dad gave me a blessing and said to turn to the scriptures to find answers. I think that through this past few years I have let myself become pretty numb to all feelings. I was too painful to live the life that I was so I put up this wall to try to protect myself. I have recently really seen that wall as I have started to date. I don't want to be let down so I just don't let myself be seseptible to anything that might hurt. Because of this, I think that it has made it really hard to feel the spirit. It is not that I have ever stopped believing or stopped having the gospel as a daily part of my life, but I think it has not been to the fullest extent. I have missed having those goose bumps and feeling the promptings of the spirit. In institute today, he started off by saying that within the next few years, every person in the class would be making very significant decisions in their life such as careers, spouses, education, etc that will grately determine where we will be and what type of life we will have. This is the most important time to be close to the Savior so that he can guide me where I should go so that I will be happy and have all those things which I desire. He then had us watch the movie "The Testaments" about the Savior's visit to the Americas. I love this movie. I have had some very important questions answered while watching that movie in the past. Every time I watch the part where the Savior comes and the people are so happy. I was so happy today as I too was able to feel the love of my Savior and get those little goose bumps that remind me that He is there and is willing to show me the way. I highly recomend anyone who is feeling discouraged or stuck, to watch this movie. My assigned reading for this week is 1st Nephi 1-14 if anyone wants to follow along and I will keep you posted about my experiences next week after class.
I am still laughing that about Alexas comment about your dads legs.
Im glad that you are liking institute and getting a lot from it....I know things will work out for you Alyssa. You are such a great girl and deserve the best of everything! I hate that you have had such hard times, it doesn't seem right. But I do love that you made the funniest girl ever! Im glad things are looking good for you and you seem to be happy. Love you!
Yea, I like him for his "young-looking" legs, too!!!! Actually, he is the best father and grandparent, too. It is so much fun to watch him constantly laugh at the funny things Alexa says. She is pretty funny! I am grateful for your sweet spirit and to have you here. I am amazed at how you have overcome the obstacles in your life and have triumphed with a strong testimony and no guile or resentments. Keep up the good work! Love, Mom
PS Don't forget Grandparent's Day on Sept. 9th!
Hey girl! I love you so much. You have no idea. I'm glad you're feeling it. It's inspirational to read. Very motivating... guess what... I got a funny calling at church. LOL I think you will think it's funny. call me.
Hi Alyssa,
It is good to see you and Alexa. I wish her and Zay could play. they would be best of friends. Her bf right now is a boy named JT. He lives accross the street. I love you 2 and again, it is good to see the 2 of you up to date. I will check in here and there. I am glad you are doing a blog. Love Valerie
Glad things are going better for you...you deserve it! Miss you and know I am always a phone call (or a few hour drive:)) away!
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