Sunday, June 15, 2008

Best Dad Ever

I just wanted to tell my dad (although I am not sure if he looks at this) how much I love him. He has been a great father and grandfather. Since everyone seems to like the pictures better then reading what I have to say, here are some pictures that sum him up.

When I think of my dad I think he is the most kind and gentle person I know. He has always loved little kids and was always there to play with us or hold us when we were little. (Well actually he still does it) He loves music and has taught all of us to love music. He would have us sing along while he played the guitar and I loved that. Now that I am a parent, I realize the sacrifice my dad had to make to get his education. He went back to college and also worked full time and was in the middle of building our house by himself like 15 years ago (I could really be wrong on the year, but either way he had three kids and that is hard!) He taught me the value of getting my education.

My dad is also I big goof ball. Sometimes his jokes are hard to understand, but I think he is so funny. When we were little, we were at the beach and we were all supposed to make a sand castle and then we would judge who was the best. I though I was so clever making a dinosaur until we saw my dad's. He had made a toilet. It was so realistic. This other picture was from a really bad day that I was having. (You can't tell by the picture thanks to my dad) It was right when Garth Brooks was real big and KT and I had gotten in a fight about something and I was mad up in my room and my dad come in singing Garth Brooks and had a drawn on beard and microphone. He always makes us laugh.

Last, but not least, he is a great grandpa (or Papa as Alexa says). They love to play together and especially go out in the snow together.
Thanks Dad for all you do and happy Father's Day!!!
Love You!!!!!!


Jenny said...

Cute! Your dad cracks me up. I love your blog too! :)

Mary Brown said...

Yea, you do have the "Best Dad Ever" and that is why I picked him! It has not been easy for us because of our many differences, but we love each other and want to be an eternal family more than anything else. I am grateful too that he worked hard to finish his education (even though I have problems now from working 60 hours a week while still trying to act like a "stay-at-home mom" and some regret for not spending more time with my ill mother) I am glad you chose a career where at least you can be a stay-at-home mom part of the year and have reasonable hours the rest of the year! You are a great mom!

LittleBrownFamily said...

That was beautiful! Thanks for sharing those memories and thoughts. It helps me to get to know him better and I really enjoyed it.
Love ya!
Jeff's Mary Brown

Kari Bonadio said...

I love your dad too. He's been a dad to me too in a way. Always looking over know the way he does. Man I miss your dad and your mom. LOL your dad is like no man I have ever met. Definetly a good guy... you know... I would say your way more like your dad than your mom. Miss you.