Saturday, June 21, 2008

Some Big Firsts Today!!!

Today has been a big day for us. Alexa started gymnastics this morning with "Ms. KT". (KT, my sister, is teaching a gymnastics class at the rec. center and it started today.) Alexa was so excited to go. On the way home she asked me if later today when KT was done with her other gymnastics classes if she could go back to being her aunt.
A few weeks ago my parents finally planted some grass in the backyard. Alexa looks at it everyday and scares the birds away who are trying to eat the seed and the bunnies who are eating the grass. She has been waiting to get to go on it. Today she got to run through the sprinklers for the first time and walk on the grass.
Another big first for our whole family is my brother, Tommy got his mission call today. He will be the first missionary on my mother's side of the family. Her parents were converts so he will be the first Mooney missionary serving in Uruguay. He will be speaking Spanish and reports to the Provo MTC on October 1st. We are so proud of him!


West and Darci said...

Yep, three kids and we are done! Tell your mom that I said hi.

Child Family said...

Alexa looks so cute! I love how she poses for pictures. Its so fun to see her and hear the funny things she says. We hope everything is going great.

Alice said...

Man, I love and miss that kid. Good thing I am in Wisconsin and not constantly reminded of how cool Alexa is. Oh wait, I read your blog and am reminded anyway! You are nice. Let's start emailing!

April Garvin said...

How fun for Alexa to do gymnastics! Where does KT teach? I used to teach at Molasky after school. It was lots of fun especially with little kids. I am sure Alexa will love it!

The Green's said...

Wow, from what I hear, Uruaguay is a great place, almost as great as Argentina. I'm sure your brother will have an awesome mission. Hope all is well.